Tag Archives: witches

Witch Finder

18039069Title: Witch Finder
Author: Ruth Warburton
Source: from publisher for review
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Review Summary: This was a fun, light, action-packed adventure but the anticlimactic ending and two-dimensional villain left me wanting something more.

London. 1880. In the slums of Spitalfields apprentice blacksmith Luke is facing initiation into the Malleus Maleficorum, the fearsome brotherhood dedicated to hunting and killing witches. Luke’s final test is to pick a name at random from the Book of Witches, a name he must track down and kill within a month, or face death himself. Luke knows that tonight will change his life forever. But when he picks out sixteen-year-old Rosa Greenwood, Luke has no idea that his task will be harder than he could ever imagine. (Source) Continue reading


Filed under Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Magical Realism

Bookends About Born Wicked

Title: Born Wicked
Author: Jessica Spotswood
Source: bought on amazon
Rating: ★★★★☆
Review Summary: A creative, engaging alternate history with great characters but not a very proactive protagonist.

Imagine there were witches and that they came to the new world, lured by the promise of religious freedom. Imagine next that, in a backlash against the witches leadership, a male dominated society was formed in which women were expected to be uneducated and subservient. This is the world in which Cate Cahill and her sisters, born witches, struggle to survive. As the time for Cate to choose marriage or the Sisterhood, her promise to protect her sisters becomes ever harder to keep. Continue reading


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